所给评分: --
After living on the tough streets of LA for a while, Spenser thinks that every gay basher should meet his destiny. In this case Destiny is a black, 6 foot, high heel wearing, gun toting, drag queen with an attitude and a soft place in her heart for homeless gay boys. 洛杉矶街头度过一段艰难的日子后,Spencer决定让每一个专门殴打同性恋的人见识一下他们的末日。在片中“末日”(Destiny,片中人名)是一个身高6英尺,穿着高跟鞋的变装癖黑人,“她”嫉恶如仇,但心中却有一处温暖的地方来包容那些无家可归的同性恋男孩。