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分享值: 23737 
发表于 2006-04-07 00:16:07      

所给评分: 7

  Jacob is a young man used to getting everything he wants. For several years, he has been living in a happy homosexual partnership with J?rgen, and one night Jacob decides to pop the big question to J?rgen. J?rgen happily accepts Jacobs marriage proposal, but then something happens: Jacob falls in love with a girl, and not just any girl. The girl is Caroline, married to J?rgens younger brother Tom. Jacobs life suddenly gets very complicated, trying to figure out whether he wants to spend his life with J?rgen or Caroline. Most of all, he wants both! When Caroline gets pregnant with Jacob, matters are even more complicated. The story features many hilarious and akward situations between Jacob, J?rgen, Caroline and their many gay and straight friends.
