所给评分: 9
Thirty-five Portuguese dancers undress in front of the camera. They become the object of desire with a sensual provocative performance. Eclectic dance disciplines help this film to explore an exhibitionist view of the male nude. This is a statement about the current financial situation in Portugal and the lack of funding to support artistic initiatives. All contributions from this film will be given to the participants of Dancers film, to encourage and inspire them, for them to give you one more private dance! These artists are not afraid to challenge the general thinking about male nudity and they showcase the potential of creative Portuguese performance arts.
所给评分: 9
男体艺术。 裸·舞·甩。 快来舔舔美好的肉体!~链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qWEARik 密码: m5kh 甩甩甩,转转转,射射射,丁丁舞~ 甩甩甩~~ 不得不说当他们甩大屌的时候我很想跪舔 这导演拍的片子都是为了满足自己的欲望吧,应该也捞到了很多欲望吧。还有这部片名应该叫甩出高潮的最会跳舞的JJ。 开始还有点艺术的成分,跳着跳着就变钙片solo了... (⊙_⊙)? 大开眼界,有趣惊奇。前半段很美,后半段很porno。连射8股我真是看到下巴都掉下来了 好多根鸡鸡哦 美好的男体 该导演的拍摄手法风格在这几个短篇来看,是出奇的一样,后期来看惊喜不是很多了。该短片就是以舞者为主题的MV。 好有道理 感叹葡萄牙舞者们实在是勇气可嘉。挺有意思的短片,porn与舞蹈艺术的结合?好吧,虽然后面舞蹈动作已经。。。。 我勒个去,这是打着艺术行为的幌子进行了一场遛鸟大赛嘛。各种甩各种摇,还能晃射了给… iPhone 独舞到高潮 这才是真 正的甩屌舞。。。 fun 后面特写在鸡巴上甩到射让我感到了不适。。。 新境界啊