所给评分: --
影片剧情: 英文简短剧情: Shoko and Mutsuki get married to satisfy their worried parents, but she is well past the age at which a 'good' Japanese woman should marry, and he is in love with a young male college student. The film is less a realistic exploration of gay life than a fairy tale of three young Japanese trying to construct an alternative to the sexual and familial roles given to them by a society turning increasingly emotionally barren.L.
中文剧情: 女翻译家笑子因专心工作而耽误了婚姻大事,经介绍与医生岸田结婚。岸田是一个同性恋者,婚前与年轻斯文的同性爱人绀同居多年,岸田结婚主要是为了掩人耳目,为此,绀非常伤心与无奈。笑子非常理解岸田与绀的心境,绀也体会她的痛楚,而岸田也越来越觉得什么都放不下了。笑子含泪对岸田说:如果可能,她愿意替两个她都爱的男人同时怀个孩子——两男一女开展了一段假凤虚凰的婚姻关系,同时亦是一次责任与承诺的考验。