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分享值: 2518 
发表于 2007-11-30 13:13:46      

所给评分: --

剧情简介 ······
  Paul, Matt, and Will (in their 30s) have been friends for years. They converge at the seaside for the weekend, each with a boyfriend in tow. Paul is with Ben, his companion of five years: their relationship is on the rocks after months of Paul's moodiness since his brother Mark died. Matt brings Owen, whom he's dated for three months and wants to live with; to everyone else, they seem singularly incompatible. Will brings Adam, a 20-year old one-night stand, to meet "happy, well-adjusted homosexuals." As the six men, joined by Mark's lover, James, sort through their own relationships as well as new ones begun during the weekend, happiness and being well adjusted prove elusive.
