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剧情介绍: Sexually charged German drama follows muscular gay young hunk Erik as he and two of his pals travel to Brazil for a vacation packed with eroticism. As his friends indulge themselves in hedonistic behavior, he begins a relationship with a handsome TV actor. Now, Erik attempts to connect with his new boyfriend while dealing with his conflicting feelings about a past sexual experience.
德国导演jurgenbruning的作品saudade讲述了关于渴望的主题。盛夏,巴西,三名儿时的德国朋友多年后重聚消假,出于兴趣他们跑到色情网站上赚钱。 三人中富裕的Cyrus只想找到从未谋面母亲;才华横溢的Tim只为要进入乐坛.;敏感的Eric则在海滩寻找数不尽的一夜情——也正因此这导致了一场悲剧性的意外。 这更牵涉到他的新男友,肥皂剧明星Miker的过去...
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