所给评分: --
剧情简介 · · · · · · Reuniting the actors from his hit film Long Term Relationship, director Rob Williams’ Back Soon is a tender, sexy drama that explores the depths of love, loss, identity and hope. Still grieving his wife's death, aspiring actor Logan (Windham Beacham) is inexplicably drawn to reformed drug dealer Guillermo (Matthew Montgomery, Gone, But Not Forgotten). While neither are gay, the pair are baffled when their friendship blossoms into more. But as their relationship deepens Guillermo's mysterious past erupts and a startling revelation about the true nature of their connection threatens to destroy it and change their lives forever.
所给评分: --
長期伴侶的導演洛柏威廉 啟用老班底 拍攝了這部Back Soon Back Soon 溫馨而性感 較深刻的探討了愛 失去 認同和希望 男主角洛根 是位有抱負的年輕演員 卻因為妻子的意外死亡 悲痛不已 難以自拔 他與毒販吉勒莫因緣際會 展開了交往 兩人間的友誼 迅速開花 但他們兩人都不是同志
隨著兩人關係的深化 吉勒莫神秘的過去 以及天性 逐漸為兩人關係蒙上陰影 而逐漸造成不可預見的變化與威脅..........................