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分享值: 23737 
发表于 2008-11-29 14:24:17      

所给评分: --

早在真假難分的所謂 Reality TV 還未流行的年代,The Real World 這個紀實節目早已大行其道,而當中最震撼人心的,必屬感染了 HIV 病毒的古巴裔病人 Pedro Zamora。在民智未開,社會對愛滋病充滿誤解和歧見的年代,Pedro 已勇於面對鏡頭,為千千萬萬飽受無理歧視的愛滋病人發聲,以一己之力喚醒世人對愛滋病的正視及關注。改變世界未必一定要驚天動地,Pedro 的勇氣和毅力,絕對令人肅然起敬,感動不已。

Before there was reality TV as we know it, there was THE REAL WORLD, the MTV series that changed television forever. Before the millions who see reality TV as their road to 'fame', there was Pedro Zamora. Cuban-born Zamora auditioned for THE REAL WORLD when he realized the potential to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS through the show. The first HIV-positive reality TV participant, Pedro put a face to a faceless disease and gave a voice to many suffering in silence at a time when AIDS was feared, misunderstood and stigmatized. For many people across the world, he was the only person they knew who was gay and living with HIV. Chronicling his short but influential life, PEDRO is a powerful and affecting tale of how one man's courage can inspire and change the world forever.
