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分享值: 23737 
发表于 2008-11-29 15:01:54      

所给评分: --

每過一陣子,喪屍又要出籠玩玩!這趟地下電影導演 Bruce LaBruce,帶來一場富政治、色情、喪屍、同志大雜薈的電影。滿目血肉橫飛,混亂無比,可能就正正反映出同性戀者的愛慾交纏的處境。這是一場血腥撕殺,咬得腸穿肚爛的場景;又是一幕情慾交鋒,愛到入心入肺的體會。喪屍先生 Otto 漫無目的地從高速公路遊蕩到城中,被地下電影導演 Medea Yarn 發現,於是她開始拍攝 Otto 的紀錄片,同時插科打諢順道完成了一套爛片。最後 Otto 從一個銀包重拾生前與前度男友的一段愛情回憶。害怕血腥、暴力和情慾場面者,最好不宜觀看。

Otto is a handsome, neo-Goth zombie with an identity crisis. He looks and smells like a zombie but isn't certain that he is one. That is, until he is cast in a movie...as a confused zombie. The director, Medea, decides to simultaneously make a film about Otto, while shooting her film about a gay zombie revolt against our consumerist society. Over the course of the shoot, Otto's pre-zombie life with a sweet boyfriend slowly comes back to him. By the final, orgiastic scene of Medea's gay zombie film, Otto struggles to access the human emotions beneath his zombie exterior. OTTO is a clever modern fable about alienation, where even those on the fringe find it hard to resist the pull of the mainstream. HKLGFF favourite Bruce LaBruce brings to us a brand new, sexy, hyper-politicized zombie analogy of the times we live in and the issues we face.


分享值: 297 
发表于 2010-02-20 21:57:02      

所给评分: --

