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分享值: 23737 
发表于 2008-11-29 15:19:26      

所给评分: --

這部人氣紀錄片在柏林影展一舉摘下兩獎 – 「最佳同志電影泰迪熊獎」及「最受觀眾歡迎獎」,更證明紀錄片不一定沉悶死板,言之有物之外一樣可以好笑又好玩! 看過《我愛碧咸》的朋友都知道伊朗女子被禁踏足足球場,而國內的女子足球隊更從來不曾與國外的隊伍作賽。德國柏林一隊女子足球隊卻決心排除萬難,跟伊朗的姊妹來場友誼波!德國女生花了整整一年東奔西走才獲批到伊朗德黑蘭作賽,到埗後的文化衝突又釀成連串笑料,先要適應帶著頭巾作賽,而隊內的女同志隊員更要「守行為」免闖禍。到決賽日,整個球場變成只有女人的天地,男人第一次被拒於門外。一班女性足球粉絲終於能夠入場睇波,長期抑壓的熱情爆發而出。波係圓嘅,但一場足球賽又點只競技咁簡單?齊來見証姊姊妹妹站起來,自主熱血的足球血淚史!

Giving BEND IT LIKE BECKHAM a run for its money, we meet the world's most passionate soccer players in the exhilarating and inspiring FOOTBALL UNDER COVER. These players from Iran train (fully covered) and trash talk like any self-respecting girl jocks - but they've never played a competitive match. In Iran, women aren't allowed inside a soccer stadium, let alone onto a pitch, but history is about to be made when a German women's team challenges them to a friendly game in Tehran. Their determination to fight against all odds and make it happen, culminates in a thrilling match. FOOTBALL captures a small yet significant step toward equality - and the highly entertaining film is guaranteed to have you cheering in the cinema. It is after all the winner of the best documentary and audience TEDDY awards at the 2008 Berlin film festival.
