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分享值: 23737 
发表于 2008-11-29 15:33:32      

所给评分: --

愛情總是突然而來… 正當在英國生活的約旦女子 Tala 正籌備在老家約旦舉行盛大的婚禮時,好友 Ali 的女友 Leyla 卻令她陣腳大亂。一個是性格活躍的巴勒斯坦裔基督徒,一個是害羞的印度裔回教徒,兩女卻情不自控擦出愛火花。然而,婚期在即的 Tala 面對種種壓力而不知所措,竟然逃回約旦。傷心的 Leyla卻勇敢的向家人出櫃,積極開展她的同志生活。此時,回復單身的 Tala 回到倫敦,更在 Ali 和 Leyla 妹妹的協助下,誓要再度贏取 Leyla 的芳心。

本片由導演兼編劇 Shamim Sarif 所撰寫的自傳小說改編而成,秉承英式賣座浪漫電影的必勝格局,集靚人、靚音樂及精警對白於一身。女主角之一的 Lisa Ray 是印裔名模兼電影女星,前作《Water》更曾獲奧斯卡提名。

A romantic comedy between two women of different cultures, I CAN’T THINK STRAIGHT is the directorial debut for acclaimed novelist Shamin Sarif. Tala, a dutiful daughter from a respectful Christian Palestinian family is about to get married in Jordan. Leyla, a young British Indian woman, happens to cast a sweet spell on Tala and has Tala torn between filial piety and love. A familiar tale it might seem, director Shamin Sarif manages to tell it without the usual baggage and gives us a fresh glimpse at a few things we might take for granted. Featuring Lisa Ray (Water) and Sheetal Sheth (ABCD, Looking For Comedy In The Muslim World), this film promises to leave you with tantalizing sweet thoughts.
