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改編自同名漫畫,《Love My Life》為大家呈獻東瀛最甜美的青春浪漫物語。18 歲女學生市子將女友帶回家見爸爸,豈料爸爸竟然乘機出櫃。原來市子的爸爸和早已過身的媽媽竟都是同志呢! 少女的心總是驛動不停,市子在兼職的 CD 店遇上型爆崩妹,而英理竟突然提出要專注溫書而暫停見面... 一段青春無悔的愛情,最終又能否有驚無險? 由開場同床的甜蜜親吻到片末的激情親熱,導演都處理得超性感又感性。兩位女角各有千秋,吉井怜夠晒Kawaii,而貴為人氣名模的今宿麻美就型英帥靚正。曾獲直木賞的作家石田衣良,把身為翻譯家的爸爸演繹得親切討好;其他演員包括扮演爸爸的年青男友的池內博之及溫情「客串」的小泉今日子。 Based on the popular comic by Ebine Yamaji, “Love My Life” is a highly entertaining Japanese romantic comedy that captures the beauty, the joys, the drama and everything in between when you fall in love for the first time. Ichiko (Rei Yoshii), an eighteen-year-old college student, wants to tell her father about her girlfriend, Eri (Asami Imajuku). When Ichiko does, her father drops the bigger bombshell: Ichiko’s parents are both gay! As Ichiko navigates through the terrains of early adulthood, she has to learn how to deal with homophobia, temptations and external pressures that threatens to tear Eri away from her. How will Ichiko cope with the pains of...growing up? A rare mainstream lesbian film from Japan that combines youthful exuberance and optimism, the charming performances of Yoshii and famed model Imajuku help make Love an important milestone in Japanese queer cinema.