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《Love Is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of Francis Bacon》(情迷画色)电影专板
flasherz 4  / 754
2012-07-08 06:51
导演约翰梅贝里独排众议,把英国具像派画家培根(Francis Bacon, 1909-1992)生平事迹搬上银幕,
《Love Is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of Francis Bacon》(情迷画色)电影专板
pjsxw 0  / 772
2009-01-27 13:04
〖影评〗 情迷畫色——英國大畫家培根的肉欲與恐懼
《Love Is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of Francis Bacon》(情迷画色)电影专板
nyust2001 3  / 1482
2008-10-28 19:25
〖剧介〗 剧情介绍
《Love Is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of Francis Bacon》(情迷画色)电影专板
gyp 0  / 676
2007-11-28 01:34
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